Amateia is a family brand that is born from the demand for a product both useful and fashionable, which is exactly what makes it unique. With our beachwear collection, we promote innovation, sustainability, and style, moreover, our products are Made in Italy and are unparalleled in the Italian market. 

Amateia has the purpose of helping women of all ages (from early adolescence to elderly age) allowing them to enjoy a swim in the sea or the pool, making them feel free and protected during the most delicate periods (leaks, menstrual flow, and post-partum bleedings).

No more sacrifices and worries, get your freedom back! 

Functionality and convenience combined with the Italian fashion touch, thus appreciating each woman and making them feel comfortable. 

We all share the same values and interests:

Sustainability, as all our products are eco-friendly. Single-use period products - like tampons and pads - not only have a high price but are made of 90% non-recyclable plastic, which takes between 500 and 700 years to decompose. On the other hand, our period swimsuits are washable and reusable, therefore reducing pollution to a minimum. 

Freedom, because our period swimwear helps find a solution to problems linked to normal female biology (menstrual cycle) and pathologies like endometriosis, that due to various symptoms (e.g. leaks) can limit one's choices. Our protective swimsuits assist women with any type of leaks and flows (periodic, constant, or unexpected), giving them the freedom they need. 

Fashion, by carefully improving our swimsuits with an attentive selection of top-quality and fashionable fabrics. We provide different styles, colors, and shapes to celebrate women's peculiarities, needs, and tastes. This is possible with the help of absorbent, breathable, and waterproof high-quality fabric.

We work towards continuous improvement to ensure an impeccable outcome. 

Let's invest for a better future!

This is the meaning of Amateia, a sea nymph invoked as a protector. Each woman has the right to feel free and protected, especially in the water, a precious element that represents purity and life.